Eight items aged 50 centuries owned by Iraq returned by the UK
The British Museum plans to restore Iraq's 5,000-year-old collection of antiques. The antique was the result of loot during the 2003 US-led invasion that was confiscated from a trader in London.
In all there are eight antiques to be returned. The eight items were confiscated by Scotland Yard during the May 2003 operation. He suspected the antique seller who failed to show proof of ownership of the objects.
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Once identified, these objects belong to Iraq and were created by Sumerians. Sumerian texts contained in these antiquities indicate they came from the Eninnu temple in the ancient city of Girsu - now known as Tello, in southern Iraq. This holy temple was erected for the god Ningirsu.
The artifacts to be repatriated consist of five Sumerian-themed objects, two Nasr Jemdet cap-seals (a talisman in the form of a lying sheep, a picture of a pair of quadrupeds facing the opposite direction), and Achaemenid seals bearing a reclining sphinx.
The items will be officially handed over to the Iraqi Embassy in a small ceremony held at the British Museum on Friday (10/08/2018).
"These items are identical to the objects from the excavation at Tello and most likely also come from the same site," said the British Museum.
The invasion is known to have driven a large number of looting in Iraq. One of its main targets is antiques. This is because local forces cannot maintain a large number of sites and public places. The Iraqi National Museum was also almost entirely pillaged. The FBI estimates that tens of thousands of items have been lost due to the looting.
"This looting is done secretly, maybe done at night and may be done by a small number of people over a certain period of time because the scale is not as extensive or systematic as witnessed at other sites in southern Iraq," said the British Museum further.
As a token of appreciation, the Iraqi ambassador, Salih Husain Ali, praised the museum staff for the extraordinary efforts of the UK in identifying antiques.
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"Cooperation between Iraq and the UK is very important for the preservation and protection of Iraqi heritage, the protection of antiques is an international responsibility and in Iraq we aspire to work together globally to protect Iraqi heritage and restore its spoil," said Salih Husain Ali.
Responding to the praise that came, Hartwig Fischer the director of the British Museum said that they were committed to fighting illicit trade that was damaging to cultural heritage. Illegal trade in cultural heritage is an issue that must be a concern of all parties.
"I am pleased that we can help return these important items to Iraq. This is a symbol of the very strong working relationship that we have with Iraqi colleagues, "Hartwig Fischer said.
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